Its been a long time
I shouldn't have left you
Without a dope beat to step to
Step to, step to, step to
Step to, step to
It's been a long time
I shouldn't have left you
Without a dope beat to step to
Step to, step to, step to
Step to, step to
Freaky-freaky, baby girl uh
I've been a very bad blogger and I apologize for my absence. I've returned back to work and I admit, it's tiring. I am so exhausted, I thought all the way up to lunch that it was Wednesday. Ugh, I was so disappointed when my coworkers pointed out that that wasn't the case.
Cadie's not taking the adjustment very well. She's been super cranky all week and just wants to be held. I just can't wait until August when school starts back up and I have to drop her off at a babysitter's instead of my FIL watching her. Because I'm sure she'll do great with that. I'm sorry, I drip in really bad sarcasm when I'm tired.
I have work tomorrow, Friday and half day on Tuesday. Then we get to spend a few days together as a family. Two Mondays from now, Cadie and I board a plan to NJ to spend 2 weeks with my family (OMFG I am SO excited!@!&!").
So as much I'd love to tell you I'll be posting soon and often, I can't. I need to survive until summer break and then I plan to fully enjoy my little vacation. I promise after that, I'll be back in full swing. I'm thinking of adding a new feature during the summer, but we'll see how I feel after my trip.
PS- if you were wondering what the lyrics were from, click