Now, I have no stepped foot into our Walmart since the day I came home from the hospital. Hey, a girl needs her percocets, don't judge! I knew back then that they had started to renovate it, but with everything going on, it slipped to the back of my mind.
I walked in and they had one cart. Yes, one cart. The poor door man looked so lonely and I almost felt bad stealing his only responsibility. Almost is the operative word here. I needed to shop. I needed to shop.
So I soon found myself wandering around the store completely wide-eyed and with my jaw hanging. They have that place so torn apart, it's not even funny. They should hand out maps at the front door. They had toys where the pet aisle was. They had dog food where the towels and bath stuff used to be. The towels are where the purses and accessories used to be and I never found where the purses ended up.
They completely knocked down where the pharmacy used to be and built a new one, without any signage. So you could stand in line for 20 minutes just to find that you are in the pick-up line and you need to drop off. Great, huh?
They also knocked down and rebuilt (or are rebuilding) the bakery and meat counter. They're in the process of replacing the cases in the cold aisle. They have crime scene tape hanging from every which way and, get this, no lunch meat. I guess we're supposed to go without our bologna until they're done. Oh well.
The best part? I get to the checkout and there's two lines open. Really, Walmart? How about we take some of the money that you spent of this unnecessary reno and hire some more checkout people? While you're at it, how about a few more cart-pushers, too? Or maybe splurge on a few of those maps I spoke of so that my 10 minute shopping trip doesn't end up 45 minutes.
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