The first few minutes of every show, we meet the patients, learn what they are ailing from, and then some drama happens. Well, this particular episode, we meet a young man who has pulmonary fibrosis from radiation exposure. He needs new lungs, but for some reason they don't have spare ones just laying around for him to have. Because, you know, that's how organ transplants work.
Interesting. If you've kept up this far, you know that my mother in law suffered from pulmonary fibrosis. Weird that this episode would air days before she passed away, right? Well, it gets weirder.
Back when I was 14, I competed in pageants. My mom, ever supportive, would drive me an hour every other Saturday to take voice lessons. But not just voice lessons from anyone. No, I had to go to the best. I was a student with Sal Dupree, of The Duprees, for a little over two years.
Sal would go on and on about another one of his students. A boy a year older than me who he apparently thought was a perfect match. He would try to schedule our appointments so that I would be sitting in the waiting room when he was leaving the studio.
I never got to know that boy beyond looking at his pictures hanging on the wall of the waiting room. I would never forget his name though, and every now and then, I'd check on his IMDB page to see what he was up to.
So imagine my surprise when his name shows up as the pulmonary fibrosis patient. So not only did Grey's Anatomy use pulmonary fibrosis as a story line the week my mother in law passed, but I have a connection to the actor who was the main character. Now, isn't that ironic?
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