Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 months old!

So, this is a bit late, but Cadie turned 2 months old on the 8th. I cannot believe that my sweet little newborn is growing so fast! She'll be borrowing the keys to the car before we know it!

We had her two month check up today and the bug was awesome! She cried for a few moments after getting her shots, but was fast asleep before we walked out the door. Tylenol has kept her pretty sedated since. She's over twelve pounds and right on track with all of her measurements!

So we're sitting in the waiting room. This lady (picture this: heels, crop pants, and tube top) comes in and makes a big stink up at the receptionist because she forgot her daughter's insurance card. She says she'll drop it of tomorrow because she works at the hospital.

So she sits down and gets her cell phone out. Not even 5 minutes into waiting, her baby starts fussing and the woman just ignored her. The fussing quickly turned into crying, which turned into chocking sobbing screaming. Not only did she continue to ignore her, but she actually told the person on the phone multiple times that her daughter was fine (I guess they heard the ruckus through the phone). This went on for 30-45 freaking minutes. Everyone else in the waiting room looked at each other like this: Indifferent

I wanted so badly to go pick the poor thing up and ask the mother which part of the hospital she worked in. If you can't take care of your own child, I definitely don't want you taking care of mine.

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